Small Business and Leadership Development Seminars

Leadership Development: Leading, Managing and Development.

A seminar series designed for all levels of employees, developed and facilitated by

            Ed Ormsby

The primary responsibilities of every person in management positions are to LEAD, MANAGE AND DEVELOP OTHERS.

Very few individuals in business, including those in upper management, however, have ever been exposed to formal leadership or management training. How, then, can they be expected to most effectively lead, manage or guide others to reach maximum performance - - - and retain the best ones as employees? They can't.

The cost of ineffective management to businesses is mind-boggling.

  • Poor managers are an obstacle to employee engagement. The net effect on business is huge - - - an estimated cost to US organizations of $450 - 500 billion a year.

  • 10% of ineffective or wasted time by one $50,000 employee results in a direct cost of $5,000 to a business.

  • Most people leave their jobs because of their bosses. "The Top 8 Reasons Your Best People are About to Quit - - - "

  • Average employee turnover rate for all US industries in 2016 was 17.8%.

  • It costs up to 50% of annual salary to replace an entry-level employee; 150% for middle-level ones; and 400% for those at the highest levels. WebProNews

You do the math for your business.

Advantages of properly trained employees

• Increased job satisfaction

• Increased morale

• Increased motivation

• Better inter-personal and communication skills

• Increased efficiencies in processes

• Better time management

• Reduced employee turnover

• Attraction of top-notch applicants

• Increased profits

and - - - you have highly qualified employees in virtually every position, all ready for increased responsibilities and advancement.

Would you spend as little as $300.00 on an employee to gain these benefits?

Myth 1: Training is expensive.

Most companies see training as an expense rather than an investment. The cost of non-training is the opposite of the advantages listed above, plus can result in lost sales, lost customers and unnecessary constant supervision.

Myth 2: We cannot afford to take our employees out of their jobs for even one day.

The cost of taking one $50,000 employee out for one day of training costs a company only $192 - - - the same cost as a sick day, a vacation day or a wasted day.

Myth 3: Employees do not want to sit through training sessions.

Most employees want to receive training that not only improves the skills, knowledge, and abilities they need for their current position, but to prepare them for additional duties and responsibilities

The Seminar

Ed's one-day Leading, Managing and Developing seminar covers virtually everything an employer should want its employees to understand and strive for, including

  • Leading
    • Traits of a leader
    • Responsibilities of a leader
    • Self-assessment

  • Managing
    • Emotional intelligence
    • Goal setting
    • Motivating and team building
    • Dealing with difficult people and conflict

  • Developing others
    • Coaching
    • Mentoring

  • Self-development
    • Time management
    • Developing self-confidence
    • Attaining business excellence

and much, much more.

Program Details

  • All levels of management must participate *
  • Maximum of twelve participants per session
  • On-site or off-site
  • All materials and lunch included
  • Certificate of Completion awarded

* Unless top management understands the concepts being taught to employees, they cannot properly support them, nor will they be totally effective. There is a 50% discount for full or condensed seminar presentations to top management personnel.

Ed Ormsby has over twenty years' experience consulting and counseling small business owners in leadership, management and marketing. He has held virtually every sales, marketing and executive management position with Fortune 500, mid-sized and small businesses throughout the US. He has been a successful small business developer and owner for over twenty years. He began developing his own leadership and management skills early in his career after attending a mandated management and coaching seminar.

Through his highly interactive seminars, Ed gives organizations, both for-profit and nonprofit, the tools to guide employees to their highest levels of performance.

Listed below are just some of the credentials he holds:

  • Graduate, Executive Program, Colgate Darden School of Business, University of Virginia

  • Graduate, Approach to Leadership Excellence, Disney Institute

  • Graduate, The Quality College, Philip Crosby & Associates

  • Accredited North Carolina Small Business Center Director, NCSBCN

  • Developer and Facilitator, Leadership Development Certificate Program, NCSBCN

  • Speaker, The Conference Board, New York City

  • Author, Psst - - - - want to start a business?

  • Over 500 hours of small business-related continuing education


Learn more about our coporate level program at:

Book a Leadership Seminar for your staff today by calling Ed Ormsby today at 910-315-6284



ormsbyte & associates
PO Box 4147, Pinehurst, North Carolina 28374

© 2005 - ormsbyte & associates